Friday, May 22, 2009

Let's Play Catch-up!

Wow... long time since I've been on here! My bad! So I just read through my last post... my only post and I was on a major high, as I should have been. Things were going great back then, everything was falling into place. I was having a blast! Not to say that things are still going well... they just aren't quite as great!

So the road trip to Nashville... AWESOME!! I loved Music City! I think if I ever left NC that would be one of my top choices of places to move to. When Rick took me to down music row and I saw all the little houses converted into studios and saw all the different labels... I was just in awe! I wanted to jump out of the car and run into one and start recording! I think they might of looked at me funny... that or called the cops! I'm thinkin more the second one! haha. Rick also took me rock cl
imbing for the first time. I had always been afraid to try it. I don't have a whole lot of upper body strength, so I've had this terrible fear of making a fool of myself because I wouldn't be able to get more than halfway up the wall. Boy did I prove myself wrong. It was HARD but so much FUN! I proved to myself that I have a whole lot more strength than I ever thought. A few other highlights of the trip... The Opryland Hotel... HUGE... Honky Tonks... so chill and fun... the fashion... so different but awesome! All in all a great trip.

On to March... HONDURAS!!! I was able to work out that trip! OMG... life changing! We got down there and my cousin Jocelyn and I were thrown right into a medical clinic about 20 minutes after getting off the plane! It was awesome. The children are sooo cute! I could hardly understand them... I don't know a whole lot of spanish... but I did learn quite a bit. While down there we ran three medical clinics. The first clinic was at a small church next to the Hope Center were we were staying ( I started off the day shadowing Tyane Jurka. She's been working the clinics for years. She taught me what kind of questions to ask and what kinds of things to be looking for in the patients. After lunch.. I was on my own. I was diagnosising and prescribing medications for my very own patients!! It was surreal! I missed a couple things, but luckily Dr. Smith's wife, who work's our pharmacy caught what I missed. She came and told me the kinds of things I was missing and what else to look for. I learned so much that first day. By day two... I felt like a pro... sort of. I was a least slightly more comfortable. My cousin Jocelyn who is still in nursing school sat by my side and helped me out. Plus Dr. Smith was never far away when I had a question to ask. Oh I have to give major props to my translator Diego! Without him.. I would have been lost!!! So then comes clinic day three... at the Prison! We're all getting ready.. next thing I know... I'm in the bathroom SICK!!! See, while we were in Honduras, there was a flu bug going around. Lucky me... I got it! I was sick in bed throwing up the entire day!! Thank goodness I was there with a Dr. and he had Phenergan!! That stuff works.. and really does knock you out!! I literally slept the entire day!

So back at the orphanage there are 14 children that live there, plus John and Tarah's (mom and dad to all the kids) two daughters... so 16 total kids!! They are the CUTEST kids ever!! The family has hired some young girls, college age that work and live in the orphanage that teach the kids and babysit/nanny them. Me and my cousins became good friends with those girls, especially Cinthia and Debbie. One of the nights while we were there us girls all decided to make some music videos to kill some time... and get some good laughs!! We had a blast! I think "Single Ladies"was our favorite to make. Here's a picture of us girls and our Awesome costumes... if you want to call them that!

So other than the clinics and some fun times at the clinic... we did some shopping and sight seeing... it was an AMAZING experience!!! I can't wait to go back. I hope I can work it out to go every year!

Well, this I'm sure has gotten long... not much has happened since I got back from Honduras mid March. My hockey team the Carolina Hurricanes and kicking some butt in the Playoffs... just knocked out the BEST team in the NHL!!! I'm so proud of them!!! Now if they could get their act together and start winning some games against the Penguins I'd really appreciate it!! I dated a med student for a month and a half... then he just stopped talking to me and disappeared... story of my life! It's a real bummer.. his eyes were to die for!!! haha. I always knew getting involved with someone in the same field.. let alone a Dr. was not a good idea... they're just too busy! Let's see... what else... my brother graduated college and might be moving in with me at the end of summer... Goodbye freedom! I've enjoyed having a house of my own.. but I tell you what.. having help on the morgage will be soooo nice. My best friend Dana is getting married next month.. can't wait... bachelorette weekend is coming up June 5th-6th! Gonna be a blast! Alrighty... I think those are all my updates for now. I'll be better and more interesting in the future! Until then... Meglio Stasera!! (hehe... that song was playing!)