Thursday, January 29, 2009

New Year... New Adventures...

So the first month of 2009 is just about over... already! I can't believe it. Time seems to be flying by. When I was in school, I wished for time to fly by. Now all I want it to do is slow down. All in all, 2009 has had a pretty amazing start for me. I decided that this year needed to be a year for ME. I've never been very good at taking care of myself and doing things for me. I tend to give of myself to others a lot, and that has been very draining. It also, to an extent, made me feel like I lost a bit of myself. Now I'm on a road to discovery... a road to finding who I am! This year is supposed to be a year for change... or at least that's what everyone keeps saying with the election and all. Time will tell with all that, but regardless of what kind of governmental changes we will actually see, we do have a new President and that is a big change... a historical change. I figured I'd join in the fun and do a little changing myself.

So I decided there were a few things that I've always wanted to do and I'm going to actually do them this year. One of those is a road trip! In a week and a half, I'll be taking a road trip out to Nashville, TN. I can't wait. I've always wanted to go to Nashville... music city!! Music is my life! I have a cousin who lives out there pursuing his dream as a musician. So I'm going to crash with him for a few days and see what it's all about! It's going to be a blast. So really I'll be knocking off 2 things from my list. Plus I'll make a pit stop in Harrogate, TN to see my sister and her husband. They moved out there for med school back in July of 2008 and I have yet to see their house! So I owe them a visit... and maybe a little hike through the mountains. In March, I plan to go to Honduras with my cousins for a medical missions trip. I've wanted to go with my cousins to Honduras for years, but could never work it out. Finally I have enough vacation time from work to go! YAY! I'll keep you updated on all that. Later this summer, I hope to get up to Buffalo for Kingdom Bound! It's this Christian Music Festival they hold every year at Darien Lake. AMAZING!! That's not until August... I have some time to plan that out. Throw in a few weddings and graduations and I think I have a fun jam packed year ahead of me!

So on to why this month has been great. First I went to the Winter Jam Concert in Fayetteville. So much fun. I met up with some friends of mine... who I hadn't seen since October... and we spent the day rocking out to awesome music. Hawk Nelson (one of my fav bands) played, along with TobyMac, Brandon Heath, Francesca Battasteli, NewSong, and a few others. The only thing that would have made that day perfect would have been meeting Hawk Nelson after the show... I have yet to meet them. It will happen though.. just wait! So then last week, my friend Heather and I went to see the National Tour of RENT! AMAZING!!! If you haven't seen it... GO! It's a must see.. especially while Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp are in it! They are original cast members from Broadway.. and the movie! They are also super nice.. met them after the show! (see another reason why january rocks). And just a few hours ago I went to see the Ballas Hough Band. They rocked. Most people probably don't know who the Ballas Hough Band is, but the lead singers are Mark Ballas and Derek Hough of Dancing With the Stars... and let me just tell you.. they are even hotter in person!! WOW!! I had so much fun at their show. Afterwards they signed autographs and took pictures. They let me and my friend Heather take goofy pictures. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, so Mark joked about lifting me up over their heads.. I of course said sure.. he laughed and said he was kidding.. next thing I know Derek is picking me up in his arms!! :o) So yeah.. January has been great.. and to top it all off.. my best friend Crystal is coming to visit this weekend for the superbowl!! I can't wait. Now that I've probably bored everyone.. if anyone even reads this.. I suppose I'll wrap it up. It's super early in the morning and I better get to bed. Gotta sleep all day so I can work all night. Oh the joys of the night shift! Until next time...